a man is a bit different than tracking game, but the principles are the same. First, you go to exactly where you were ambushed. The asphalt makes it trickier, but there are slight mud marks on the road that share the same impression of your sandals. That’s where you were dozing. Picking out the thief’s tracks from the mess of tire marks and smattering of what could be dozens of different travelers is a bit more difficult, but eventually you find one that sticks out. Single line impressions in the dirt path, single line mud tracks.
This particular walker was wearing single teeth geta sandals. Most people don’t wear them because of how difficult they are to maintain balance on, but they are fantastic for forcing you into a good sword stance at all times, and they lack the distinctive click-clack of sandals, making them excellent for anyone who wants to be stealthy. While you can’t be sure, you think this is your man. You follow the tracks down the road a ways, matching them as they eventually veer off road. This close to Neo-Tokyo, all the woods have mostly been cut down, so you don’t have to worry about catching twigs in your afro as you walk.
The tracks end suddenly in the middle of a field. It’s strange, because there’s nowhere for them to have disappeared to… That is, until you notice a square indentation in the grass at your feet. A… Trap door? Leaning down to the ground, you place your head against that square of grass. Listening for any kind of sound, you focus your mind. Eventually, you can make out a low hum coming from beneath the earth. Strange…
>Open the trap door and enter the hideyhole. >Back off a ways and wait for either someone to come and go down into it, or to come out of it. Then you’ll ambush ‘em.>Write in.