>>5505838You step towards the dark shapes, your movements parting the once-warm mists—now cooled, chilling, as the grave-chill of necromantic energies—which surrounds these cursed fish thing. You have cowed them before, and you’ll do so again! Taking a deep breath, you close your eyes, focus your life-energies into the Novice’s amulet, and will yourself to change and transform. Your back burns with brief agony as you become once-more aware of your wings. A heaviness sets in as your skin redoubled and armours itself in thick copper scales, then a great strength wells up from within as muscles and organs bulge and shift to accommodate you.
It is a good thing you still wear this lighter elf-armour in lieu of plate, or you’d have split it like a snake outgrowing his skin. <Dragonshape IV> is truly tremendous!
“You know me, accursed-among-elves,” you snarl, in deepened voice which accompanies this increased mass, and with all the force of your amplified Fearsome Presence. “Move, or BE moved.”
>17 for Intimidation (DC increased by Hapo’s influence but decreased by Dragonshape)You can feel the Necromancer’s will here, or a fragment of it, warring against you… But you are a Dragon, and ever closer to being a Dragon in Truth. Furthermore, though Glowie kindly rewrapped your sword in her silk, you suspect that these fish-things—especially the tallest, whom you take for the leader, seems to recognize you as its bearer. This being, whom you assume to be the warped shade of the rather regal-looking elf whom you saw when last you ‘visited’ the warm waters of the spring, shrinks back from you, parting as the mist parts. You waste no time, striding trough these stunned revenants and towards the spring.
Your last ‘visit’… Well, you refer to it euphemistically, but you nearly drowned pursuing that magical glow at the bottom of the lake. You have never been a strong swimmer, for all your other athleticism—you’ve nearly died to drowning an almost embarrassing number of times this last year. This time, though, it is not for sake of treasure or glory that you go spelunking, but to end this threat and undermine that persistent pest, Hapo. You will succeed!
You dive.