>EXTORTAN>2 degrees of successFor most of the night till midnight the Rheas get you sorted, per request: they dress you, teach you to bathe, 1-2 pattyface
makeup; just foundation.
No one tries to slice you or zap you or poison you. They listen to what you want and do their best, anything to get rid of you.
"<span class="mu-g">If yez fix me ter look a twat to peepl, Mm killen a Hunnerd Rheas dedd. Might not be yez, but it will be a hunnerd 'a yez.</span>" They got your message already, but beheadden a dedd horse stops it rizzyrectum.
<span class="mu-s">[NEW THREDDZ GETTY]</span>
>cheap puff-fume and clogglunggz>talcam n pattyface powder>proppa bathy soaps n bathy cloffs<span class="mu-b">TWO DEGREE OF SUCCESS EXTORTAN
>Sets of Formals (weddnz n funnylalz) (n posh folks, mebbe)>Sets of Mercantines (marts n trades)>Sets of Roog Amblers (Guilds n Murkers)>Set (1) of Droody "Pied Brett": a holly green mantle closed with purple rope, luxurious material (Circles and Ordinaries)All these have the same likelihood of failure even in their favored domains. What they give YOU is at least superficial access and the chance to attempt a Bluff.
in 40hrs, Seafood looks at the Trash Intel to decide wat do + set off
>>6107724 >>6107712 >>6107698</span>