If anyone is interested, you can help me test some combat rules for GOLGOTHA - it involves firing shotguns and handfuls of d4s and d6s in a cloud of death pellets repeatedly towards the face of various enemies I completely made up. I have not balanced or thought about them in any great depth though. The link is here:
>>5146107The main issue is trying to combine the awkward 1d78 tarot draw into 1d100 and standard d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 etc mechanics. If anyone knows some good rules for narrative-driven firearm damage (not too autismo, not GURPs level simulation or anything, simpler is better for me) I would be interested too.
One particular consideration of the setting is I would like all of the weapons to damage self to some extent as well as enemies. It is a bit like the Blood Bullets mechanic of Bloodborne (lose health to summon ammunition etc), it is sort of vampiric, and reinforces the idea that killing npcs carries a cost, ultimately harms you as well as tilting the world towards cataclysm and armageddon.