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33rd Woeful Downpour reports they've managed to find their way out of the forests, thanks to the Pyrewatchers lightning the way. There was a few scattered Sparksworn skirmishers, but they broke west against a force so concentrated and ended up riding into Perennis patrol.
The Woeful Downpour report sigilcraft cores are functional, but long-term detachment from the Legion have frayed the bindings and they're leaking Potential as is. Uncertainity in Task-Regime parameters have also made the Cores more prone to acting up. The disruption to command structure brought on by this sudden surprise invasion makes clarity of purpose difficult to achieve. They've done the best they've can, but they're critically short on supplies and time.
You have a Bondpilot in the legion, yes? Because Bondpilot Amirili went down fighting twenty Sparkhooves horse chasing down the retreating formation and brought everyone else time to fall back and disappear into the woods.
The cores won't maintain coherency much longer without sustained patterning to some sort of template, they're apt to start manifesting Iconographic leak-through!
>... what? [admin]
>no seriously what [admin]
>uhhh fix.. it? [admin]
The resonance-lock cycles are supersaturating local threshold gradients; it's drawing in scattered influence from at least a thousand different subcycles of the region Mesh
>. . . that's good? [admin]
>. . . that's bad? [admin]
>what are you talking about Jesse [Admin]
We need to douse these things in a river or they're apt to reach critical sustained localized punch-through and then they'll invoke the first, grandest thing to get drawn into coherency with the animus cores!
>This sounds like it's bad? [admin]
>Oh, as it happens, we conveniently just had a small flood. Funny how that works out sometimes [admin]
>Can you go back in the forest, you sort of don't fit the vibes around here [admin]
>Wait, a resonance surge of sufficient magnitude is beyond the Phelgor Attentive-Action Rating Scale for this lunar conjunction cycle! The ward matrixes in the local regional grid won't fray off intrusion events of that scale! Vent the sigilcores of emotional valence now, you lunatic, you're about to cause an emergence event! What? I READ [admin]
>hit it with a stick guys [admin]