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They marched into the river, their stride breaking up the flow as they went. The men marched over the ford in a column, long and narrow. The water rushed around their footwear, splashing up against their legs as they pressed forward. The sound of their footsteps remained silent on the sandy riverbed. They soon enough came out on the other bank; they kept on marching towards the village in the distance.
By this point, the Mizarians had finally been alarmed. They are marching to form up a line of the remaining archers and prepare for the impending attack. The men continued their advance, determined to reach their destination.
The first volley comes in; some of them go down, but all in all, the heavy armour of the men proves its value yet again.
You crossed over the crossing shortly after; though Wittekind chafed under having to go into the water, he eventually relented and carried you through without a hassle.
For now, things seem to be going in your favour, even with the harassment from the archers; their lack of any serious infantry or other heavier troops works greatly to your advantage. For now, you dictate the flow of the battle.
Orders, sir?
>Have the column advance directly into their line
>Have the column speard out into a line to counter them.
>Have the cavalry brought up to charge this rabble.