>>6146726>>6150011The Owl just watches you from his perch. You turn out the pockets of the scarecrow (6), and turn up an orange plastic flaregun tucked deep in it's hip pocket.
[If things go wrong, a flaregun can signal a friend, with an accompanying roll for reaction.]
You can feel things getting worse, and hear the heavier louder murmer inside and outside of the ghouls, and the distant drums of latent tribesmen in a festive mood, on this, the great night of voodoo and sorcery. Something is up, and it is going to keep being up.
You can hear the commotion of the last thug, who is apparently still alive, fighting off the ghouls downstairs. He is in as much of a jam as you are, if more ghouls show up.
[If my 5th+1st of this post <=10, the owl will follow you as it's new master. If more it will leave.]
You have 4 actions before things start going sideways, no matter where you are.
>loot second scarecrow (single item)>focus (+1)>loot rooms (single item)>escape down cord>leave with your carts>negotiate with the last thug (standard roll)>attack ghouls in the house>your idea[5th-2nd] 1-5p, 6-0f
[Calamity 1-6p, 7-0f