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Over the past year, you have decided to discard some of your more luxurious fixings. The rings and fur mantles- the various resorts and luxury vehicles you have commissioned for yourself. These things have gotten in the way of doing your job and, more importantly, were not deserved anyway. You decide to instead put them up as potential rewards for high performance to various heads of state and workers groups in your shipyards and defense administrations. You make sure even the laborers have something to work towards- the highest performers getting extra vacation credits and early retirements. All sponged from your own personal accounts of course- but hopefully done in the name of defense. Through these methods, you have rolled just a few more ships and strike-teams off the line- increasing your fleetpower.
The changes have not gone unnoticed. Many sources in the Hegemony- mostly taken from the AI networks scans of “private” messages, seem to show an improved trust in your leadership with these measures. The people are too conditioned and abused to every try to rise up against you of course- but it is nice to see that your reputation isn't irreparable.
You hold a public press conference on the <span class="mu-i">Day of Obedience</span>- the yearly holiday praising the Supreme Ruler. After the ceremonies- you answer several common questions and find yourself trying to manipulate discourse on what you want to happen next. The Stand is still at the forefront of your defense, given the recent increase of activity on the border between the Hegemony and the Consortium. It seems things are heating up. You have an opportunity here to inspire people, or at the very least clarify more your vision of what you want the Hegemony to look like. Unlike other press broadcasts, this one is not voluntary to watch, meaning you can be sure every single person in the Hegemony will hear these words. What would you like to focus on?
>Make a Vow to Defend the Stand (Two actions, disgrace if you fail)
>Inspiring speech from Talacent (Radical increase of Cooperation among citizens, less central authority)
>Brag about yourself- but keep it under control behind closed doors (Increase Aristocrat standing)
>Hegemonic Power (10% Battleship Research, Prepares an aggressive invasion action for a future prompt)