Rolled 62, 17, 60, 63, 80, 63 = 345 (6d100)
>>6009022>Name:Serene Republic of Enlightened Goatmen
>Leader's name:First Speaker Baaran
>Color(for if/when I get a map):>General location:Upon the gentle rolling coasts of the Shimmering Sea where the River Itza flows
>Fluff about nation:Formed originally as a defensive alliance among goatmen villages to fend off other more savage beastmen, the Serene Republic has slowly evolved into a proper state. From within each village an elder is elected from among those over the age of thirty and then these elders gather to elect a First Speaker to guide the Assembly of Voices and represent them in foreign affairs. While a peaceful nature at heart the Goatmen are not afraid to form militias and defend their homes to the last breath.
>Fluff about leader:First Speaker Baaran is a wise and gentle goatmen elected from among the village elders to represent the republic. By his guiding hand he hopes to bring a new age of prosperity and peace to his people.
>General magic practices:The Goatmen commune with the spirits of their ancestors calling up them for aid in elaborate rituals. Every family maintains a shrine to their ancestors which is central to their cultural practices.
>Population: 9850>Military:1 Goatman Patrolmen +0.9
>Power level: 1>Tech Level: 1>Bonus:Recruitment: +10
Shamanism: +5
>Tech:[Weaponsmithing I]
[Medicine I]
[Tools I]
[Construction I]
>Buildings:[Orchards II]
[Forge I]
[Mines I]
[Quarry I]
[Lumber Mill I]
[Capital II]
[Shrine I]
[Barracks I]
>Others:[Copper Ore]
[Protective Trinkets]
[Copper Tools]
[Fresh Produce]
[Capraopolis, Pearl of the Republic]*
>In Development:Cultivating power! 4/?
Turn 32
1. For the love of the Republic the patrolmen must be raised once more to defend our homeland against this insane King Billy and his renegade monarchists!
+10 Recruitment
[Protective Trinkets]
+Weaponsmithing I
+Forge I
+Barracks I
+Copper Ore
2. Summon forth the Patrolmen!
+10 Recruitment
[Protective Trinkets]
+Weaponsmithing I
+Forge I
+Barracks I
+Copper Ore
Turn 33
1. More men must be recruited, these rebellious youths must be shown the error of their ways through force!
+10 Recruitment
[Protective Trinkets]
+Weaponsmithing I
+Forge I
+Barracks I
+Copper Ore
2. Continue recruiting more Patrolmen
+10 Recruitment
[Protective Trinkets]
+Weaponsmithing I
+Forge I
+Barracks I
+Copper Ore
Turn 34
1. One last effort of recruiting before the death of King Billy
+10 Recruitment
[Protective Trinkets]
+Weaponsmithing I
+Forge I
+Barracks I
+Copper Ore
2. Arrest King Billy and his followers, use all force necessary
I'm only around 30 turns behind! Time to get into it! Last we left off I was dealing with King Billy and his insane monarchists! All these actions will be to recruit new men, just roll over any recruiting progress into one of the next turns actions if they don't instant complete.