>>5996405>Lanu, what's up with ranged units? Never happened.
The reasoning being that with units of the sizes they are operating at, most, if not all units are mixed, having both ranged and melee capabilities. If you look at, for a example, cases of Turks fighitng, you'll see them both engaging at range, doing their general horsearchery and then closing the distance and charging the enemy.
>Seems like Horse Archers should be able to disengage from combat due to being ranged + mounted.Would break the system and needlessly complicate it. The ability to repeatedly engage at range, then disengage from enemy forces is represented in the very high initiative score, while the enemies being able to withstand the repeated volleys and return them until scattering the horsearchers is represented by the almost universal ability of the horsearchers to strike at the enemy first and to die if any significantly stronger enemy engages them.
>Can ranged units attack from a space away?Will be a thing with some siege weaponry.
>Can mounted units disengage from non-mounted units?No, combat is assumed to happen over a prolonged period of skirmishing, charges, shooting and ultimately a mixture of murder and rout/scattering of defeated units.
>Can Dorfs & Skavens travel through mountain tiles?Mining will be a thing. Traversal of mountains, no. That will be reserved for flying units.
>Can I unlock units with even greater mobility than 5?Through upgrades, for a example, elven steeds, yes.
>Can you see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?No, as I've never had it.