>>5792363“Classic Diesel Humor aside,” The girl scoffs as she bumps you with her hip, “I’m really glad we can have a little… <span class="mu-i">normalcy</span>, y’know? Just the two of us.”
Your date blinks as a dark thought fills her head.
“It <span class="mu-i">is</span> the two of us, right? Raj isn’t out there, is he?”
If he was, you counter, would either of you be able to stop him? The girl mulls over your words for a moment before shrugging.
“Good point and well-made! So!” She adds as you exit the front of the building, “Where’s our ride, hmm?”
Right over <span class="mu-i">there</span>, you grin as the girl’s eyes follow your finger and light up with glee!
“Woah-woah-<span class="mu-i">woah</span>,” she stammers in disbelief, “D-Diesel, you-”
Ride, you interject as you lead the way over to your <span class="mu-s">CHERRY RED MOTORCYCLE</span>, Yep! Got tired of the crappy one Emilio let you borrow, so you <span class="mu-i">upgraded</span>...
“Holy <span class="mu-i">cow</span>,” Mutters Pepper as she runs her hand over the fine piece of chrome, “This… man, Diesel…”
How’s <span class="mu-i">that</span> for first date material, huh?
Taking a moment to inspect your ride closer, the girl raises an eyebrow your way with a bashful look on her face.
“We uh… we don’t <span class="mu-i">have</span> to do that ‘<span class="mu-i">First Date</span>’ song and dance if you don’t wanna… I’m just glad to be hanging out with you…”
It’s fine, you smile, now hop on–we can talk on the way!
Sliding into the seat, you wait until Pepper settles in behind you and wraps her arm around your waist before you start the engine! Alright, you announce as the bike purrs across the neighborhood, hold on tight, okay?
With a few revs of the throttle, the two of you speed off into the night and whatever excitement it promises!