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Eun-Ae goes to loiter near Richard’s home, with Tyrone tagging along. They watch the area, noting the demographics. Most people around are African American or Caribbean, with a few Jewish or Mexican people. The streets of Crown Heights are well kept and clean, and at this time of day, there are few people outside. As they walk past a group of Mexicans on Dean Street, the men whistle and wave at Eun-Ae. If she was alone, they might have harassed her.
"This is boring, we should beat them up," Tyrone mutters.
"We're not here for fun," she replies. "If you’re bored, focus on your breathing, still your mind, and the boredom will fade."
After an hour, the police still hasn't shown up. It’s not too surprising. When it comes to the murder of a working-class civilian, the case might be closed without much investigation.