>>6148116Action 2: Study Venk Anti-Magic, find a cure, mitigating measure, or immunization method
>The nature of the undetectable Null-Aura of the Venk fascinates to no end. All evidence leads to them being no less flesh and blood than the Orcman[1], the Fugleman[2], the Vitruvian[3], the Dverger[4], and somewhat the Skrit[5]. They require food, they breath, they do not require Solaire's light to function though they do suffer from its lack (barring exceptions, such as specimen #011[6]), and they seem to be capable of conversation, though the latter seems to drain humor and reason from their surroundings in a bizarrely similar fashion to their Null-Aura, but I would chalk that up to them only sending us their worst[7].>Through tests performed by True Katan[8], Fracture blades have demonstrable impact on the Null-Aura, though they too seem to degrade them with use. Thus, their "aura" is proven mighty, but not insurmountable. Certainly, with limitations. Limitations we can measure, limitations that can be planned around, and limitations that may yet be expanded into a annull its nullifying nature.>Additionally, the aura seemed to have an effect on the shipped tree growth potion from the Vitruvians, negating the belief that their nature is merely as Solaire-cursed nullifying Terra's blessings, for the Vitruvians are not so blessed for their own magics to be annulled.>Through collecting specimen #011's parts such as hair, nails, spit, blood, and bits of flaked skin, I'd begun to test the effects of each of those parts, both in conjunction with shadowmancy, fumancy, glitterdust, runes, Fracture blades, and a generous honored Shadow, I've experimented on the effects such parts would have in varying ranges, across varying obstacles of rock, lead, shadow, Shadow, magic, wood, Medqa, suffused Medqa, Alfar, to name a few. Further, the difference between the effects of the parts in isolation, in various mixtures, and the specimen itself. The latter is less accessible due to the nature of its storage and agreements with the Venks, but sufficient data was collected from specimen #010's oblivious presence to supplant any lack.1. Western neighbors of Habitun and allies since the Dawn age
2. Southern neighbors of Habitun, presumed heretics worshiping unknown variant of Solaire
3. Southeastern neighbors of Habitun, minor trade partners since the Dawn age
4. Northern neighbors of Habitun, Terra kin
5. Eastern neighbors of Habitun, trade partners since the Bewitchment age
6. Refer to Appendix for indexing methodology
7. See Report#4 from ambassador Kare for corroborating evidence
8. "Report from True Katan to Habitun Council"#14
- Stige Sukon
"Theory of Magimancy: Chapter 5"