>>5753761>>5753763>>5753765>>5753826>>5753888>>5753958>>5754190>>5754271>>5755248Bernard Hartwell. Unfortunately, you know him well.
When you were but squires, your respective knights were the best of friends; And the two of you hated each other with a passion. He thought you wanting to lay with the sun was a fool's errand and that the moon was clearly a better option, you said that his pastel pink and heart-plastered heraldry was girlish and garish, and the two of you promptly ended up entangled in a wrestling match so fierce your masters had to beat you off of each other with a stick.
Ever since then, the two of you have been trying to one-up each other. 'Violently, on occasion,' you think, remembering the scar just next to your jugular that you gained in one of your earlier conflicts.
"Halt! Who go-... <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">YOU[/i</span>]! What are YOU doing here!"
>Ignore him. You are NOT dealing with this. Not tonight.>"ME!" Explain your situation. Fixing the dairy problem is more important than your rivalry, no matter how grand.>Punch him in the face. It'd almost be rude not to, considering your long and storied history.>Ready your hammer. Best to clear the air before you talk; most of your conversations devolve into a grudge match anyway.</span>