Girls und Panzer Quest 19: The End of the Holidays! Back in Business!
Pastebin: huff back at Yuzu and join her in collapsing on a pair of nearby plastic chairs. You sit there recovering for a few minutes before she turns to you.
“It’s your turn to pick something to lose at,” she says.
“Bold of you to assume you’ll win,” you reply, still heaving for breath slightly.
“Given your performance so far,” she replies. “I think it’s a safe bet to make.”
>Suggest a shooting game. You’re no gunner but your reactions are decent.“Hmph, funny,” you grumble as you eye the scatter games before your eyes settle on one. “I don’t remember you ever handling a tank cannon before though.”
“I’ve gone skeet shooting once,” she replies, apparently unphased.
“Once,” you reply as the two of you walk to the machine. On closer inspection it appears to be a hunting game. Animals – mostly geese it seems will appear and whoever hits them first, scores a point. Every so often a moose worth ten appears too.
You slot some coins in and grab one of the guns. It’s designed to look like an over-under shotgun and looks rather similar for a plastic model.
The first goose appears on screen, and you’re quick to snap to it and shoot it down. The second one falls to you as well, but when you go for the third you realise you have to reload the gun by racking it.
In the time it’s taken you to realise, consider how stupid racking an over-under, then rack it, Yuzu’s evened the score, and is lining up a third goose. You manage to snag it from her, but the next two go to her.
Unfortunately, it seems that having shot a gun once in her life means that she sort of knows what she’s doing. You’re not much of a marksman yourself either, but you know enough to hold your own, and as you’re approaching the end of the round you’re ahead by several points.
A moose pops up. You see Yuzu track towards it. You move to shoot it, but you’re out of ammo and the reload will take too long.
>Graciously accept defeat.>Shout something to distract her. (What?)>Tackle Yuzu so she can’t shoot it.>Write-inEvening fellas, good to be back. We'll be a little slow to begin with, but should pick up shortly.