Quoted By:
>whew, sorry for the delay there, was unexpectedly held up
The Salaminians produce grappling irons from compartments under the main deck, and rapidly fasten these to large iron hooks along the ship deck and to the rowing benches themselves. A huddle of the sailors grows alongside Andocides in the central part of the galley, oxhide shields raised and pitiless bronze spearpoints held in throwing posture.
You leap off the benches yourself, sword at your belt, spear in hand, bronze disc of your father strapped safely to your arm, prepared to take action - Teukros likewise abandons his rowing bench, sprinting back towards the stern.
>wat do, /qst/? This vote is expected to close tonight at 8am or so. I'll call for ship combat rolls at that time.
>Charge up along the fore-deck platform and leap to the enemy stern to join Pollux at his invitation! Pollux, as a expert climber and man of considerable strength, will no doubt be able to assist you up the side of the pirate’s stern if need be. A pair of demigods set loose upon the enemy vessel will spark chaos amongst the crew and you’ll be able to better cover one another if one of you is wounded.
>Join Andocides amidships and join the boarding party of the Salaminians – he is unlikely to join the actual invading party himself, and you will be able to assume temporary command of the Salaminians as they leap aboard. Your presence will no doubt provide a significant boost to the combat ability of the boarding party and you will become the anvil to Pollux’s hammer.
>Clamber aboard the fore-deck platform, but hang back as the galley comes parallel against the enemy vessel, scanning for the Cretan captain – if you locate him, you may be able to leap aboard and challenge him directly in solo combat. A decapitation strike will shatter the resolve of the pirates and make for another swift victory - let Ajax doubt your instincts at his peril!
>Assist the Salaminians with the application of the grappling irons? These irons are essentially hooks on very long, strong ropes, meant to be tossed into the rigging, and to catch along the lumber and masts of the victim's ship. A man of your strength could launch multiple irons simultaneously, and increase the chances of a success "lock" upon the enemy ship.
>Also, I need another dice+1d24, as we have entered a new battle phase.