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All the vessels that were near the planet of Mars activated and pulled their thrusters. Millions of tons worth of thrust were quickly generated by such a massive fleet. Each of these vessels, who had the ability to crest near the speed of light, threw themselves into overdrive and generated the forces necessary for the piece of planetary rock to move.
Here they might not have succeeded. They might have failed. But as the Phalanx drew upon the piece of Mars such forces together were enough to begin the lifting of the Magma City.
At first it was slowly being drawn up. Then as acceleration was built upon the current vectors of travel the rate in which the Magma City began to life was becoming unreasonably sad. On time the Lord of the Mechanicus detected the Magma City attempting to turn off its floatation devices in an attempt to drive themselves back into the safety of the Martian Wastes below.
But they faced the Omnissiah. While he did not have full domain over the machines that were infected by the Warp he was still a Lord of Machines. With a smile he gripped the infected Machine Spirits and ensured them to his will. Chaos tried to attack him for such interference, but he was so much stronger than these weak pieces of thought and imagination.
The Magma City, after a few minutes of travel, was flung out of Martian Atmosphere and began sailing through the void. The Omnissiah could feel the millions who had quickly died as the oxygen within the air was ripped from their lungs. He took their souls and crushed them, not even wishing to eat such tainted sour souls.
The Magma City might have been strong upon the surface but in the void it simply floated. Its void shields, while formidable against bombardment, now faced the full force of void combat weapons that were specifically meant to crush the kinds of shields it had.
Like a Conductor the Omnissiah had his symphony of ships sing. Each of them sending turrets of lasers and shells into the shields of the voidborne citadel. In under a minute the shields failed the floating planet and then the planet experienced the hammering of shells.
Each strike was precise and conducted with the close eye of the Omnissiah. In doing so he slowly revealed what was throne that was deep within the rock hidden from the view of all. Upon it was a Tech Priest, Koriel Zeth, as she tried to gain one more piece of wisdom from his damned leaders.
The Omnissiah rose from his position and stepped forward. One moment he was in the Phalanx and the next he was before the Akashic Reader and Zeth. With a swift movement of his hand the Avatar destroyed the Akashic reader and whipped the thoughts of its existence from all loyal Priests.
Zeth had a second to realize her mistake before the Omnissiah decapitated her.