>>5854196" I'll be explicitly honest, that i received no formal education from any institution.
it was all trial and error, thousands of hour in database. my dear friends."
" but my work speaks for me.
i'm the one who transplanted argos's radio from his ear to his eye. otherwise he would've been dead.
i also recovered john's memory and identity after his attempted... what's the point of blathering this? "
>>5853819" she suffers from memory leak. probably caused by outdated internal storage chip. "
" and it is perfectly normal that we don't hold memories prior to boarding this ship, outis.
as we were merely animals back then. correct? "
squealer pulls out a giant drill that makes you catatonic.
" if you're hoping to preserve her last remaining bits of memory, i recommend that we start without delay.
we gotta pry open her device. do you consent?
canny turns to you and lets out concerned, murky plea. " i don't know why we're here. can we go back? "