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Once you've all suited up and gotten your new pieces of equipment- mostly leftovers or old herilooms over freshly forged equipment unfortunately, the villagers bid you farewell. But as you go- you're greeted by a most peculiar sight- Benjamin himself, in the lack of the flesh.
"I thought you were supposed to be buried come morning." -One of your Sages say. That was the consensus- and it is troubling, though perhaps slightly less scary to see a skeleton prancing around in the daylight.
"I thought so too." Benjamin said, with a hint of sadness in his voice. "But my grave has been defiled. I cannot go back to rest again."
This draws a great deal of debate and discussion among the more intellectual of the party- how can a dead walk? Is it not necromancy? What of the spiritual implications?
"They could bury me again, since I don't breathe, but I would just be... laying there. I know I can't go back to sleep now. The restful dead I am no longer. The villagers loved to see me, once a year, but if I am here every day- I will only become a burden to them. I cannot be one of them. I am not a man, I am dead. So instead... Why can't I come with you?"
Because your opinion of Benjamin was mostly positive- you tentatively agree to <span class="mu-i">let him join your party!</span> Since he's a skeleton, he doesn't even need to eat.
<span class="mu-s">Benjamin</span>
Benjamin is a skeleton and his rules are a little differently. When asked to roll, his roll result is always treated as a <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-s">3</span></span>. For Hazard or Stealth rolls; he rolls a 1d6 and has to get a 3 to succeed.
Since he is already dead, Benjamin <span class="mu-i">cannot die</span>. When he takes an injury, instead he is <span class="mu-i">knocked apart</span>. The energy that holds his bones together into humanoid shape isn't unbreakable- but it can be brought back together. Once knocked apart, Benjamin cannot take any actions until the Sages of the party get some downtime and can put his bones back in the right order. Until then, he'll just have to be carried around in a sack until you get a chance to rebuild him.
>Who wants to play as Benjamin?