>>5723434>Considering Helen's tragic backstory, she fits all the checkmarks for being the type to wish for a hurtful wish.yet she didn't. maybe helen is just fully convincing that people live to manipulate each other, that that's just the way things are. hatred comes from resistence to reality- helen isn't resisting because she fully believes it. that's how she managed to still believe that people are 'good'- by altering her own definition of the word
>Hard to fully trust a person or even like them when you know in the back of your mind that they'll kill you if you step out of lineif you think about it, that's the way it is with everyone else too. also your average guca will only kill as a very last resort, like jimena, or won't even get that far. there are both moral and practical reasons, but I think I've already said this before
>after learning Hush's story and that she's been faking deadoh fuck i still have to write that timeline. still, it would be the mother of all datadumps, so I'm thinking carefully on how i put it on the table. no one likes reading 10k of lore just to understand what the fuck is going on
>Teachers WE and A can be, but never friends who Helen could entirely trust or confide her thoughts to.well, they are cranky adults like every other! especially WE. too old. too adult
>It will undoubtedly be the excuse for madly dashing for any personal power great enough to ward off the two.im not saying that shouldn't be the case, or, that it /should/ be the case either. yet- there is one factor Helen could consider. Coordinators looks after each other, nigh-inconditionally, and go to great lengths to ensure that useless, burdensome Magical Girls with no magic or useful powers inherit their habits and spirit even /years/ down the line. it has been like that for a true fucktruck load of time- it's a tradition that is bordering on stagnation
>>5723449>Also am I right to think Erika could heal by bashing wounds with her book?thing is, erika would still be targeting her own body, not the concept of damage itself or any concept related to the wound. how would anyone target a concept? tricky, ain't it? in the end, concepts are arbitrary, abstract machinations that aren't inherent to reality itself; they exist within each of us. we can see them just as tools that make predicting patterns easier
that being said, concepts /do/ sometimes correspond to reality, always partially, and yet that is why they work
>QM, don't tempt me to go for mp 8.don't worry, i don't like nightmares either
>All I could ask for.gucas give me strength
also despite telling the guys at PR that 'i straight up didn't make it' and couldn't deliver everything the exam asked for, they decided to give me more time. on the one side, yeah boy. on the other side, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im so fucking tired, fuck networking, aaaaaaaaaa whyyyyyyy i'd sleep a fucking month already
but ill try to make it in time. i kinda already know what i want to do before thread sinks