Quoted By:
>The civilisation gets +749 Population.
>The civilisation gets +0.1 Technology.
>The civilisation gets +5 Health.
>The civilisation gets -20 Cohesion.
>The civilisation gets -10 Equality and Happiness.
>The civilisation gets -5 Prosperity.
The Bruslavic and the Glachovic will abandon their old ways. They shall no longer teach their children through song, they shall challenge them to solve riddles and beat each other at games of Blocrum. They shall no longer fixate on the importance of the hunt, they shall exchange beasts and honey with each other, as is the Protavic way. No matter how many generations it takes, they shall all become beast-bringers.
With this decision, the tribe shall more than double in size, with obvious consequences. For the first time in their history, the Protavic people are a minority in their own tribe. Though the assimilated singers and hunters will eventually abandon their old identities, at this point in time, they have little love for their new tribe. The fact that they had to watch the Vuvovic slaughter and execute their fathers, brothers and sons doesn't help either. Time will tell how much trouble this choice will cause for our clan.
If there is one benefit, it is the knowledge that our tribe shall glean from its new members. The Bruslavic bring a primitive understanding of herbal medicine with them, while the Glachovic share the secret of treating animal skins in order to create the crudest form of leather. By incorporating these technologies and making good use of them, the Protavic shall be able to live happier, healthier lives.
Next, there is the issue of the Vuvovic.
Pradrol of the Dropac promised them a place of honour among the Protavic, as honoured warriors who will not have to work. Instead, they shall devote their lives to becoming the ideal warriors, so that they might defend the beast-bringers from harm and drink the blood of their enemies. However, not all of the Vuvovic are warriors. In fact, after all of the losses that they incurred, only eighty-five of the blood-drinkers can be considered warriors. The remaining three hundred and seventy are women, children and the elderly.
First of all, let us decide what shall be done with the Vuvovic civilians.
They could be <span class="mu-s">accepted</span>. The families of the Vuvovic warriors shall be treated as equals and free to pass to mingle with the Protavic. In time, perhaps their beliefs and customs shall be incorporated by the entire tribe.
They could be <span class="mu-s">isolated</span>. They should be kept separate from the rest of the tribe. Though they will be free to practice their old ways, they shall never infect the Protavic people with their peculiar beliefs.
They could be <span class="mu-s">assimilated</span>. Like the Bruslavic and the Glachovic, they shall have to abandon their old ways. Only the warriors of the Vuvovic are of any value to our tribe, though they may not like this decision.