If I've missed questions of other anons please pull me up.
>>5419344>pic relatedCool hobby anon! Very wholesome.
>>5419353I think we have covered previously that Romaine is very big on their wines, whereas as in Montbrun they specialise in whiskeys. Other Duchies have their own variants, but a connoisseur knows the strongest spirits hail from the mountainous duchy. Aubres dominates in grain-based alcohol, whereas Fallavon doesn't have an alcohol industry per-se, it would vary widely in the nature of ciders and liquors available depending on where you are but it is usually local use rather than done on to an extent where it is widely exported. Pascae benefits from all of the above as a trade powerhouse, but it's not as though the alcohol of one particular duchy is available anywhere else for a price except in times of extreme instability. Norsikaa values honey mead, but Fallavon is actually better known for it quality wise to men of taste. Langland provinces have locally sources wines and such, but are usually out-competed in foreign markets on that sector by Romani brands. I'll admit I hadn't covered Cathagi alcohol culture, focusing on khave etc. It's not taboo but isn't nearly as prevalent as it is in the northern nations compared to other vices, which would includes but goes a bit harder than just hookah.
While there is not a communion in church das as such, most annual festivals are inherently affiliated with some religious significance and alcohol typically features to one degree or another. As we saw in the Motte-Fallavon vigil the main festival (not the Blue Lantern vigil which Sir Andrei participated in) was basically a massive piss-up lasting several days.
Members of most Holy Orders such as the Broken Blade and Knights Comitas would forswear alcohol except in moderation at certain holy festival days. As you've surmised consumption to excess is considered a vice.
I don't think I've accidentally already casually mentioned tea somewhere in this quest, but I'll say now that it is not a thing
at least not in the areas of the world covered by mapbro.