>>5797532A purple dark digivice sped across the information highway, scanning for that perfect new partner as its programmed routines demanded. It sorted through emotions attached to data from public forums to encrypted government servers, none will be spared its analysis. Only the perfect child would do for their dark mission there was no close enough as far as its code was concerned. You either were 100% match or no match at all.
In a bit of irony, they quickly found a person full of courage and so similar to its last human owner that if it had its old criteria, it would be an instant pick. Alas, it quickly discarded that candidate just as quickly as the rest because, in its current state, it did not need a hero it needed a flawed and desperate owner willing to crack the seal of darkness by their own will with only the lightest of guidance.
All the while it was scanning the net for a new owner, it was also constantly saved useful data in its limited data storage, slowly constructing a new digimon to accompany the dark destined child. The digimon that it constructed was a rookie by the name of...
> Kotemons (Path of Dishonor)> Dondokomon (Path of Brutal Ogre)> Gaossmon (Path of Ash Lizard)> Hagurumon (Path of Metal Skull)