>>5735357>3. ShantytownThe cracked and ruined concrete of the highway led you toward the shantytown. The swamps and wildlife invaded whatever the Great War didn’t claim. Dilapidated shacks and abandoned vehicles were half sunk into the wet soil. The humidity would be oppressive, but it was lovely for a bipedal reptile such as yourself.
After crushing a few bloodbugs who flew too close, you saw the town ahead of you. You take out your seeing-eye glass, getting a better look at the settlement. A ramshackle wall of plywood, car parts and fencing surrounded the hamlet. It straddled the highway, a rough looking fort built over a playground castle, and behind that, a most curious sight. A few tall buildings of green glass stood.
“Greenhouses?” You grunt to yourself. This town suddenly became much more interesting.
You observe the defenses of the town. Guardsmen walked along the wall, probably on simple scaffolding. You could reach the guards if you extended your arms up over your head. Not many of them, maybe a dozen. The turrets is what really concerned you. They were only on the playground castle side of the town. You stroke your chin in thought, lowering your seeing-eye glass.
>1. Approach the town with your trusty white flag out. Hopefully they know what it means…>2. Get closer to observe the greenhouses. Sneaky like.