Rolled 1 (1d2)
>>5773127“MY Dragon King is alive,” she says, voice trembling, body quaking. “You are… EMPTY. You are HOLLOW. You are DEAD INSIDE. I should have recognized it MONTHS ago.”
“Because I did not rut with you?” he asks, tilting his—YOUR—head. “It was a courtesy, you understand. I DO respect your mate, Priestess. I would not make him a cuckold.”
“But you would forsake his spawn,” she notes. “You would abandon his… His DREAMS, his stupid, silly dreams that he LIVED for all his life… The dreams that LED him here, to this place, to resurrect and build the kingdom YOU lost! You would where his skin like… Like some Amulet of Disguise, and imitate him, but you… If EVER you were alive as HE is, you are NOT anymore.”
“I lived over ten centuries,” the Old King rumbles then, “and administered an empire which had existed for THRICE that. Your ‘lively’ young male lived for one even a HUNDREDTH of that, and ruled this ramshackle, disorganized military junta MASQUERADING as my kingdom for… What, a year?”
The Serpent Queen straightens up, defiant—defiant for YOUR sake, speaking to YOUR principles and purpose.
“And in that time,” says Sseztlussth, “he presided over the BIRTH of a new Age of Dragons… While you presided over the collapse and FALL of the last one.”
You honestly can’t believe it. For all your love of this female, for as much as you treasured her, you NEVER believed that the Novice would do something like this for you: to stand against a Dragon King, defiant, defending your unorthodox ideals.
…And now, feeling anger roiling all around you, you fear it will be her doom.