>>6190754“What?! Where did you go?!” Zamasu shouts, you whistling to draw the so-called god's attention. Which works, Zamasu turning as you fly towards them. “Oh? She ran away and left YOU here to face ME? Absurd, you're so weak I cannot even sense your energy.”
“You're right, I'm a lot weaker than you, and especially Chaya.” you reply, the godling snarling at you mentioning her name. But you smirk, raising both hands towards your head to take the stance for a technique you picked up from Tien years ago. “But there's one thing all you super-strong fighters always forget.”
“Oh? And what would that be? What could you POSSIBLY know that I, the magnanimous, the subli-?”
“SOLAR FLARE!!” you roar, unleashing the blindingly bright flash of light right in her face.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLDtlBlSLxA“KAAAAAH! Damnable cur!!” Zamasu snarls, drawing a blade of energy out from their right hand, swinging blindly while covering their eyes with their left hand. You immediately drop to the ground, drawing a certain capsule out of your gi's inner pocket, clicking it and throwing it to the ground. Where it opens in a cloud of smoke, revealing one of your master's last items he'd left to you, the seal written on the electric cooker's side one of the last he'd written in his own hand. You open the container, taking a deep breath and focusing. It'll take everything you've got to make this work.
“Come on Krillin, you can do this!” you think to yourself, slapping your cheeks to focus your mind. You prepare your master's technique he learned from his master, then thrusting both hands up as Zamasu lowers the left from their face, you fire off the greatest martial arts technique created on your planet. “MAAAAAAFUUUUBAAAAA!!”
“Mafuwha-? WAAAAAAAAAAAH?!!” Zamasu exclaims as the green cyclone of energy envelops them. Trapping Zamasu within the technique, unable to resist or escape its grasp. “Wh-What is happening?! What are you doing?!!”
“Hrrrraaaa! Sealing you away for good! SHYAAAAAAA!!” you roar, directing the trapped god down, directly at the container at your feet. Having watched your master miss when it mattered most against the evil King Piccolo, you're taking no chances! Directing the swirling, torrential energy down directly at the container between your feet, sending the god directly down into the container. The swirling energy disappears as well, keeping Zamasu bound inside just long enough for you to shut the lid, pressing the seal to the top half as well. Binding the god into the container, trapping them. And once that's done you collapse, feeling completely drained. But you did it, you sealed away that extremely-powerful deity. “Haaaaaaaaaah!”