>>5613261>>5613316>ArunSira decides to ask his head of security about the brothel’s ability to take another hit to reputation.
「About the brothel’s reputation, what could I get away with right now?」
`From what my informants have heard, Red Winter is an even split between supporting you and wanting you demoted due to the mess after the tournament.`
`You could probably get away with one more stunt like that. As long as Red Winter benefits from it as a whole.`
「Is hiring an illustrator who was born in Silverport something that they’ll accept?」
`… that’s.. probably no. Is the artist in Silverport well known?`
「Not really. There’s this artist, Yun, born in Silverport but moved to Cinderpath a couple years ago.」
`.. still a big problem. What about the artstyle?`
「It’s.. alright. Doesn’t look too.. foreign or distinct. It shouldn’t be a problem. I think.」
「There’s another one we could commission, Nahm, but she lives in Cinderfall. The delivery time for the posters would be a big longer. We might only have a few days to put them up. Not sure if we could afford it right when Sablestream new years is coming up.」
「…Is it possible that I can commission the artist in Cinderpath without being detected by the others?」
`There’s still some Red Winter presence at Cinderpath. I don’t recommend hiring the artist unless you do a favor for the ones in that town.`