>>5676836“You’re only right to be confused. I told you…I am the pinnacle of humanity.” Rex boasts. “I have achieved the upper limits of what a human is capable of. Of what a PURE human is capable of. Unlike this pampered pup, I was not fortunate enough to be born with a Crest. I never had the blood of dragons pouring through my veins like so many of these Kingdom nobles did. No matter how strong I became, I would always be one step behind those who bore the gift of the Nabateans. I’d reached my limit, but I was not content with that. In order to break past that barrier and achieve new peaks, I needed to find a way to bridge that gap. That was when I happened upon a certain man from Ordelia. Recent news has informed me that you also met his acquaintance, though with far less enthusiasm than I.”
>“What?! You can’t mean-”Rex glows a horrifyingly familiar blue color as he extends a hand towards you. A familiar arcane symbol appears in front of him, one that you only just recently bore witness to when you first met Scratch.
“Behold! The Crest of Indech!” Rex laughs. “No ordinary Crest would be good enough for me! So, I journeyed across Fodlan to claim this one from the corpse of the legendary Saint himself! That madman Diogenes was all too happy to graft me with Indech’s blood! Now, I have broken past the limits the Goddess imposed on us and stand at the pinnacle of might!”
>“You’d go as far as to have those disgusting monsters operate on your body just for a little bit of extra strength?! What’s wrong with you?!”“The Agarthans were a means to an end, and nothing more. If it provides you any solace, rest assured that in due time, they too will feel the bite of my steel.” Rex points his spear at you. “Now come! If you’re here, that must mean one of my Aces now lies dead. Show me that strength of yours you’ve honed so well, Blair!”
“Blair! Get out of here!” Ingrid shouts once more.
>Rex d’Rusalka>Level 50 BarbarossaHP: 75/120
STR: 42
DEX: 40
SPD: 39
LCK: 35
DEF: 37
RES: 30
Weapon: Gae Bolg (+20 DMG, 10% Crit), Delphi Shield (Negate Flier’s Weakness)
Skills: Dragon-kin Wyvern (DEX based chance for Wyvern to launch a fireball or wind attack), Crest of Indech Level 3 (30% Chance to follow-up attack)
>A): Attack Rex with your spear>B): Attack Rex with Magic>C): Use an Elixir>D): Ingrid is right, this is a mistake. Flee the battle. (SPD Roll with disadvantage: 1-42 to succeed)