>>5327124>>5327645You make your way back towards your bunker, taking a longer route away from any errant energy signatures signifying the presence of entieis or phenomena. You DON'T want a repeat of what happened earlier if you can avoid it.
It takes you a bit, and as you get closer, you can hear the distinct murmuring of the Orphan somewhere away in the distance, but you don't focus on that. Instead, you focus on your device which beeps loudly as to signify the proximity of the large energy signature. Your path coming to an end - you quickly step off to the side towards an outstripping of destroyed buildings, where the energy surge is highest.
When you get close enough, you see that it is a gathering of silt grey figures. They jitter and stutter in place, like broken records or a scratchy disc, their features remaining indiscernable beyond dated clothing and their bodily proportions.
Energetic phantasms of a kind, or ghosts to put it more simply.