>>5700639>clothingFinding references was hard. Most of what i found was stuff from the 1700-1800s, but I did find a website that had illustrations of earlier periods and used a mixture of 1400-1600 clothing styles for Sira, Boon, and Dao.
https://www.baanjomyut.com/library_2/history_of_costume/02_6.html>”fencing with the tessaks” paintingDussack/tessak was a sabre used by Germany and Norway used from the 1500-1600s. I tried to mimic cappoferro’s Art and Use of Fencing’s artstyle, which often showed fencers with very little clothing.
>slaveryI never discussed about slavery at length, as the plot doesn’t really revolve around it.
In feudal siam, the slavery system is a little different. We’re not really sure when it happened, but it was present in the Ayuttaya period (1351-1767). There are 7 categories.
>Ransom slaves [sold into slavery — most common]>Slaves in households (slave whose father/mother is a slave)>Inherited slaves>Given slaves>Slaves saved from criminal punishment [those unable to afford fines but someone intervened to pay]>Slaves saved from poverty [sold themselves into slavery due to inability to support themselves]>War slavesWith the exception of slaves in households, all of them could be freed through money. Generally speaking, the 20-30 year olds are the most expensive while children and elderly are cheapest.
In cases of ransom slaves, its not always the person that sells themselves to slavery, either, as parents can sell their children, and a husband can sell his wife if their financial situation is really messed up.