>>5656458Although these armor will help him stay alive, Sira hasn’t decided on what kind of weapons or additional armor he wants…
(Choose two)
>A new sideswordSword with a swept hilt. The knuckle bow and side rings offer more hand protection compared to his old sword. Excels at cuts and thrusts. Wider than rapiers, this weapon can effectively block cuts from most swords.
I always wanted this.>Reiter's (Rider’s) pistolA wheellock pistol with a larger shot and barrel used by cavalry. Powerful, with longer reach than usual pistols, but more cumbersome to carry and deploy. Only the best cuirasses can stand up to this weapon at close range. Even then, it’ll knock the wind out of the wearer.
"I hope this firearm serves you well. Good luck on leaving the life." -Blacksmith Jess, friend of Cris and Zeal
>Kusari Katabira (mail jacket) A jacket of mail that can be worn underneath his shirt. Completely stops cuts and most thrusts. Blunt force can still hurt him, though. His undershirt isn’t particularly thick.
"It’ll compliment the armored sleeves." -Zeal
>old rain cloakA tattered rain cloak that Cris once used. The lightbending enchantment is still active, allowing Sira to become invisible for a few minutes. Requires exposure direct sunlight for several hours to recharge.
"Two or three minutes at best." -Cris