>>5269589Don't even try to suggest that we have the staff bring this to the customers attention either! You know what they'll think, seeing this kid slit open to his elbow so deep you can almost see bone?
They'll think our resident widely known to harm children animatronic Foxy did it. He has the hook, we know it's perfectly capable of doing this damage and adults have no doubt heard all the stories of his model from other locations.
Not to mention Bon and JJ. Bon is smart enough to piece it together and probably would understand our sabotage of the equipment for Remnant, but JJ would be horrified, JJ was with us outside when we did it. How do you think she would feel knowing we made this happen while she was just a stones throw away that night?
We can take care of this issue right now, to our own benefit with no one being the wiser. There is no saving this kid, remember that.