>>5434576You slid into the backround like the friend character in a harem romance manga, unnoticable, untracable. You even spotted the bullies searching for you over the course of the various breaks. But they never managed to even get a lead on which class you might be a part of.
You'd almost snicker in delight at your victory, but you weren't out of the woods just yet.
Still had to do this until the weekend, which was only 2 days away. They will have forgotten about you completely unless directly reminded.
You snuck out with Snack and Lunch at the end of your classes, almost grinning ear to ear at how stealthy you were.
"Honestly at some point I thought you skipped classes. And I sit next to you!"
"Heh, what can I say, I am a master of stealth!"
<span class="mu-s"> Perk obtained! For critical Success to certain actions, you may gain special perks to make rolling for these actions much easier the next time around! Of course the opposite is true too, a Critical Fail may add a negative trait to your character, and make an action harder to do later on.</span>
<span class="mu-s"> Current perks: Shark teeth(+1 to bite actions) , Steel grip (+1 to grip actions), Stealthy! (+1 to stealth actions) </span>
You and snack leave Lunch off at their place, before heading for the dojo.
Roll for how our training goes!