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Kadrel remains the warlord – though he is old, grey and incapable of using a knife for anything other than eating by this point, he still has the respect of the Windborn and he still has a fondness for the Croglatol. By this point, the Shagodalek boast over three thousand soldiers, thanks to his latest policy.
When it is time for the latest autumnal feast at Ancron, there are three main issues to be discussed:
Should the construction of the great road be abandoned? The current chieftain wishes to see it through, while the saint wishes to abandon it.
What should be done with these savages in the Grascan? The saint wishes to offer them the chiefdom's protection, while the chieftain wants to enslave them, to support the construction of the great road.
How should the chiefdom react to the Shagodalek's latest conquests? The chieftain wants to bolster the numbers of the Truthguard, while the saint believes that the best course of action is to shower the Windborn with gifts.
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">continue building the great road</span>. It will all be worth it once the road reaches the Winterfolk, no matter how many years it might take, no matter what the common people may think.
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">abandon the road to the Grascan</span>. Every mile of slate is more costly than the last and the people are losing their faith in the project. Bring an end to the taxation and cease construction.
>Continue building the great road.
>Abandon the road to the Grascan
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">leave the savages in peace</span>. There's no need to waste time and effort on these woodland barbarians. Leave them in peace and they will do the same for us.
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">offer them the chiefdom's support</span>. They shall be sent supplies that shall help them thrive and develop their own society in the wilderness.
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">educate and civilise the savages</span>. They shouldn't live in the forest like animals. They must be brought back to the great lake and taught of An and Il.
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">enslave them and put them to work</span>. Subjugating these primitives will be effortless They will bolster the thrall population and labour for the chiefdom.
>Leave the savages in peace.
>Offer them the chiefdom's support.
>Educate and civilise the savages.
>Enslave them and put them to work.
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">maintain the Truthguard's population</span>. The Croglatovic have no need for more warriors.
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">bolster the Brulicruvic's numbers</span>. One for every twenty tribesmen sounds about right.
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">have all firstborn sons serve as warriors</span>. This will massively increase their population.
Our civilisation could <span class="mu-s">shower the Shagodalek with gifts</span>. Bribery is the key to keeping the Windborn at bay.
>Maintain the Truthguard's population.
>Bolster the Brulicruvic's numbers.
>Have all firstborn sons serve as warriors.
>Shower the Shagodalek with gifts.