Since a kind anon told me to, I'll shill my brand new quest:
AtlA: Azula grows a conscience
What if on the day that the Avatar is discovered, Azula suddenly grew a conscience and was, god forbid, nicer? Or at least not so evil. Or maybe her evil beliefs are reaffirmed.
>>5964341And since I'm here, I'll answer the OP questions.
>What are some writing/questing habits you're having trouble shaking?Prompts are the toughest stuff to handle. When do I prompt the player? What type of decision should they be making? Is it okay to prompt for a smaller decision/update or should I strive for longer scenes with more meaningful prompts? A bad prompt when you start out a quest can kill it or at least make it very very slow. It's a tough thing to handle.
Another thing is commas, I have a nasty habit of spamming commas.
>When clicking on a new quest, what kind of things make you keep reading? What kind of things turn you away?What makes me keep reading? Being concise. Say more with less, don't get lost in lengthy stilted descriptions, provide me the sweet content that gets my mind gears churning.
>Do you have any plans for spring? Any big shake ups, or business as usual?Keeping my new quest alive as best as possible and trying to format a schedule around it.
>Would a firmer board culture make your more or less likely to vote?You can't affirm board culture, it appears and develops on its own. I don't think it affects how likely people are to vote, whether or not people vote depends on the quality of the prompt, they have to be proper decisions that will impact what you're going to write next.