>>6191528"Time to confess up. What's your connection with the Singularity Cult?"
Rita hovers near Hammy, eyeing him closely.
"I was kidnapped by them, but once they knew I'm an eternal kid - they forced me to lure kids to them."
That's messed up - but this meant the Cult is after actual children, ones that can grow up or otherwise unimpeded by time shenanigans. You recall grandpa Gobson's story of a triplet of child soldiers that ended up different due to time stuff. One of them stayed as a kid forever...
"Then you must know what plans the cult have, right?"
"I have no idea! I just hand the kids over to local cells, who took them elsewhere."
So basically Hammy here's the source of the missing kids cases all over Gongalla, huh? Good news, then, you've just cut off the cult's supply of kids this way.
"Lastly, do you know the way to the North's reality anchor?"
He looks puzzled for a bit, until a look of recognition flashed across his face.
"Reality anchor... I've heard rumors about it, but never went there myself. Most of the rumors agree it's way north, further north than Blackslate - somewhere deep in the Pale Yonder. Although, I hear you have to get lost to find it in the first place..."
Hm, interesting. You'd need to confirm this with Jed Stuart, the lumber baron.
"You sure you're not acting right now?"
Pushing Rita slowly towards him will ensure he does, so that's what you do. To Rita's credit, she started puckering up her lips and made kissing sounds - of which Hammy recoiled from.
"Honest!! They got Lynn hostage!"
"Huh, so that's why she's been a no-show this last few shows."
Rita's insight intrigues you. So Hammy might really be coerced by the cult to lure kids to kidnap, but then again, he had caused many kids to go missing. One question remain...
What do we do with Hammy?
>CHOOSE ONE>□ Let him go, he's as much a victim of this as the kids.>□ Let him go, but only to see if he runs to any of the hidden cultists in town.>□ Arrest him, he's guilty for aiding the cult, and caused all those missing kid cases.>□ Arrest him, at least until Millie can read him like a book and confirm or deny what he said to you.>□ Take him into custody as witness, he could help McDowd point out the town cultists.>□ Other (fill in)