It's been quite a while since you spent any time training Syurm.
It's a credit to Ethan and Syurm's own initiative that she's gotten as far as she has.
And relatively speaking, she's not far off evolving again.
This in mind, you resolve to focus on her.
First thing's first though...
You go and harvest today's crop of Leppa Berries, replant and make a fresh batch of poke blocks, before serving a few up for Kay O-o.
"Take a break, bud. You've earned it." You say as he digs in, clearly enjoying the treat.
This done, you turn your attention to the others.
"You mind helping Latias and Sage with reflect?" You ask her.
"Sure." She says with a shrug as she organises her own routines.
Rascal, you leave be for now, before setting Blitz to staying in a circle again.
You're going to focus on him a bit later, but for now, Syurm is the focus.
It's kind of hard for her to do much in her present state, so you eventually resort to having her web a rope to the ceiling and climb it, slowly yo-yoing up and down. It's clearly hard work with how tired she looks afterward, but it looks like it's been good training for her.
Looking over at where Holly is trying to teach Latias, Latios and Sage meanwhile, it looks like she's making very little progress with move practice, which looks to be Reflect today.
Blitz however, is sitting impatiently and whining, but he hasn't strayed out of his circle yet.
He practically explodes when you ruffle his ears and give him a poke block, but still stays within his circle, which is a marked improvement over yesterday.
Overall, things are looking pretty good.
>Keep training. (Keep going with Syurm, or change focus?)>Go foraging.>Look for Aggron.>Practice Capoeira.>Meditate.>Do a reading lesson with Sage.>Do obedience training with Blitz.>Other