>>5626803It's <span class="mu-i">really</span> hard to hear you through the bandage, Mimic. My what-now? Uh, sure, I have time to tell you my stats.
Are you familiar with third layer optimisation? Oh. Nice! So does Volkmeyer still teach that class? Oh, man. Did he ever shave his beard? Really? Wow.
So, if you start by assuming an implied volatility, you can back-postulate the potential realised volatility over an arbitrary time frame. And if you modify the basic equation you can treat the observed history as static inputs, which eliminate a lot of noise. Now for this bit, we'll have to dig into some Pytherii Theoconomics calculations so if you remember your High Pytherii - which you do read? Right?t? Oh, well, learn fast - the weight of your sins is given by the assumed ratio of better angels of your nature contra Icons that can dance on a pin, or the Dancer's Math, right, so use that to derive the forward volatility factor. You'll need this book on Reikan grain pricing models to figure out the optimal solution to Ashoniti's Third Barrier Decree, but we'll get there.
You want some lemonade?
I have a lot of lemonade.
>It's sadly hard to do Alchemineer without functional hands, but you do learn some stats.>+2 Forensic Theology