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Truth be told you had noticed something unseelie about Jester-Makes-Fools-of-All. Jess the Kid had more human-<span class="mu-i">like</span> proportions as a result of her transition, enough to perhaps be mistaken for a particularly lanky Canton youth, but she hasn’t garnered anywhere near the amount of suspicion you had feared despite never speaking and never removing her mask. Your brother Young Lord Damien, Sir dan Marc, Orin and your squire never gave your Fae companion a second glance once you departed from the Fallavon forests. Mikail has made a few remarks, mainly criticism of their capriciousness and never being where they’re supposed to be, but has not once mentioned the matter of their Fae origin. You had hoped everyone was merely on the same page as to not talk about it… but the rogue Medusae’s claim holds a fair amount of weight. And why then have you remained free from the affects? …Have you?
<span class="mu-i">“You might surmise that my tenure in the Palace is… on hold, but I am not without my resources.”</span> The rogue Medusae gives you a calculating look, her voice softening as she mistakes your silence for consideration. <span class="mu-i">“If it is a matter of money…”</span>
<span class="mu-i">“It is not.”</span> Your voice is as firm as your conviction on that front. You will never sell another soul into slavery, even an inhuman one.
<span class="mu-i">“Sssss.”</span> The sound of the second guard, identical to the first, makes the hairs on your neck stand on edge, and not merely for the promise of violence that is carried with it. But you cannot place your finger on exactly why the noise grates you so.
<span class="mu-i">“You care for them, despite their inhuman nature. <span class="mu-g">Դա ուղղակի վիրավորական է:”</span> Whilst she speaks you can see Mikail out of the corner of your eye, pressed up against a rocky column with his blade drawn. You suspect Brother Rousseau is some way behind you, his advance placed on pause when your presence was revealed. “... The process need not be lethal. Your <span class="mu-g">Փերի մինիոն</span> would be returned to you in good time.”
“Non-lethal.” Despite this parlay, your hand has never once left the hilt of your blade. “And painless?”