I think I got a little mixed up earlier. So it should be the end of 2006, start of 2007. We're ending our third year and the elections were last year's Fall.
>>5933270"This is Charles Xavier with the BBC" The man stood in front of a shot up hut made of sundried mud bricks. I was midday and the sound of distant rifle and machine gun fire could be heard.
"The early pre-dawn hours were filled with the sounds of religious cries onward and the rumbling of engines, but at the crack of dawn this was replaced with the sounds of machinegun fire and the cries of the wounded."
He began walking with his microphone over to a pickup truck that was completely shot up and then somehow set on fire. There was a clear area where a machine gun was mounted, but the machine gun was gone. Only the mount remained.
"Some had thought that the <span class="mu-s">Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism</span> had been wiped out during the Summer." Xaiver said "However, there are no signs of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia in this area, and the TFG isn't making any statements yet of being attacked."
The camera peaked over the corner around the building and showed a barely fertile area only suitable or the grazing of animals. There was plenty of trampling and dung to indicate the animals had been here, but they were gone now. A few bodies were seen in the distance, too far away to be too graphic.
"As of now, the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia and the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) are almost touching, and there are reports that Somalians within Ethiopia are arming themselves and trying to talk their officers into letting them cross the border.
As the camera panned back over to Xaiver, the cameraman side-stepping, an image of the rough borders appeared and took up half the screen.
"The United Nations is in deadlock, with Peace in Africa and the African Union rushing to deploy peacekeepers to the area.