>>6087096As the sun shines upon Ordalan, it is... quiet. No roaring savages or chattering undead, just the sound of Nixen going about their day, then the call comes out for the morning service, where Queen Leutgard kneels alongside her fellow burghers in prayer to the four Nixian gods. Schwaerz gave us the drive to fight, Janos gave us discipline, Diloter gave us bread to eat and Hilda took care of our fallen. But after this, Queen Leutgard adresses the people, we have learned from the past, now it is time to use those lessons for the future. She issues the Ordalan Restoration Decree, to expand, reclaim lost land and return to glory, as well as finishing the fight with our barbarian invaders.
>Action 1: Reclaiming of the Heartlands (expansion).The Nixen set out from Sturnes, going back to their ravaged homes out in the countryside. They are also rewarded for doing so by the queen, who give them a stipend and set of tools to help in the rebuilding. It does strain Ordalan coffers to do this, but all the nobles agree with the decision, though they have disagreement with how far they are to expand.
>Action 2: Found the Spears of the Ashen Dawn military order.As Nixen return to the countryside, they inevitably encounter undead and bandits, remnants of the war. This inspires followers of Hilda to form a militant order. With church funding these women need not concern themselves with working the fields and can dedicate their time to training and patrols. Bandits soon learn to fear the banner of the Ashen Dawn, as even when the Spears don't outnumber them, each one is a hardened soldier fighting without fear of death, as they know Hilda favours them.