>>5411522>Art:A. MANIVELUNorodom: If the Great Captain had more sailors and fewer poets he might have come back in time to give your people the wealth they’re so desperate for.
That last crack almost broke you... If you weren’t so well rested, who knows what would happen? As of now, you make due by squeezing your hands so tight you could finger your arm.
Agana: Enough crosstalk. Council, vote for your recommendation.
Norodom: Negotiate
Eko: Negotiate
Kaori: Pardon
Kasi: Pardon
Gamboa: A split decision, a shame I couldn't be a tiebreaker.
Agana: No need. The Hall of Peace will live up to its name. Kasi. Can I trust you to be our envoy to the raider bands? I swear on the Ax no harm will come to those in negotiations.
Kasi: No treachery will come to you. Peace lies in my heart, as it does yours. But be careful. Axeholder
They look directly at you.
Kasi: I’ve seen hearts waver.
Gamboa: With that bit of drama out of the way, I say we move on to the *other* matters of justice. Great Captain, you said you would bring Turla’s killer to justice. What punishment do you suggest?