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As your peestream gently connects with the agent's service weapon, the startled agent winces before discharging three shots. The first hits the Egyptian guy right in the middle of his face, causing strawberry jelly to pour out of his nose and mouth, which seems to surprise him so greatly that his eyeballs pop out like in an old cartoon. The second shot hits the seat in front of the Egyptian and lodges, leaving a faintly visible bullet hole. The agent's third shot impacts Dr. Goldwater in the arm, allowing the flight attendant to wriggle free and make a dash for the bow.
You can just barely hear the agent mutter "Dammit, shouldn't have had that gin and tonic" as screams erupt all around you. He quickly looks around, then shouts, "Everybody stay calm! You in the red shirt, get down on your stomach, hands where I can see them!" He glances at his hands. "What the fuck is this?"
>Quickly put your dinkus away and pretend nothing happened
>Inform him, dick held high, that you are THE PISS LORD OF THE NTH DIMENSION! and he should leave your servant alone
>Try to poop on the agent