>>5296290>>5296295“Maybe you can help us make our own set!” Cici suggests. “That way the school has one, too!”
“Hmm…” Mr. Martin takes a moment to respond, stroking his beard contemplatively. “Well, I’m still not keen on bringin’ dice into a place o’ learnin’, much less teachin’ the lot of ye how to go about makin’ yer own… Tell ye what, though. I’ll set the lot of ye up with the stuff to make the board and then I’ll see to the dice. Sound good?”
After a trio of enthusiastic head bobs, the children follow Mr. Martin back inside, the dwarf leading his impromptu troop to his own classroom, where-in they find a lone student still standing at the board, the beholderkin’s hand working feverishly with a piece of chalk as she mumbles to herself.
“All this time, wasted! Straight down the drain! Should have gone right when we had the chance, but no… nonoNO! STUPID! THAT’S STUPID! We’ve just got to do it now, do it right WITH OUR OWN TWO HANDS! Not that hard… Just gotta carry the one, subtract the resultant from the abstract. 50lbs should do it, but where do we get the raw materials… the rubber? How would we refine it?
“Tools, tools, TOOLS, ALWAYS TOOLS! Should have gone right when we had the chance. Should have…”
“Iris…” Cici says gently, the small gorgon having crossed the room quietly as everyone else froze by the door.
With both hands she slowly peels Iris’ away from the board, the larger girl having started scratching at the surface with her bare nails when the chalk ran out, smearing all of the equations and diagrams she had been layering on top of each other into an indecipherable mess in the process.
> Seems Iris may be having another episode.> [] Try to talk her down. How?> [] Let Cici handle her.> [] Something else. Write-in.