Quoted By:
Rolled 16 - 5 (1d20 - 5)
Pollux’s invitation rings in your ears, and you briefly consider ignoring him – but the call of the greater of the Dioscuri is simply too much to resist. He is an Argonaut, a son of the Loud-Thunderer, sister to Helen, and a man who has treated directly with the divines on uncountable occasions. His story is known to every Hellene and even farther abroad – his exploits are legends heard by all young boys who dream of greatness. A flash of envy sparks through your mind as you consider his accomplishments – you don’t lie to yourself, you covet his fame.
He has invited you to become part of his myth – to become eternal – who are you to deny him? You take a brief moment to strap your shield and spear to your back and are thundering up the deck joyously in no time at all. Happiness does not come often to you, delivered to you in small moments – when laying the perfect ambush in the snowy hills of Elimeia, or stalking a barbaroi princeling along the lakes of Arnisa – these have been moments of true joy. You add one more moment to your list – flinging yourself into the air over the open sea, at the invitation of one of the Τυνδαριδαι.
The enemy vessel is weather-beaten – the wood roughened into handholds by surf and sea. Pollux having ascended before you, extends a hand as you heavily scramble up the exterior of the stern, and you gratefully accept – he hauls your bulk aboard, straining.
Your sandaled feet barely touch the stern deck before your shield and spear are in hand. Your presence has not yet been noted. The pirates, bearing shields and hide tunics move rapidly to repulse the inbound Salaminian boarders, but not frantically - a measure of coordination exists among them. These are professional, veterans - not the ragged sea-vermin that your galley smashed to pieces a half-hour ago. One of the pirates, tracking a gull through the air, spots you and Pollux aboard the stern deck, and cries out:
<span class="mu-i">“Boarders, boarders, boarders!”</span>
The pirates immediately break off a group of ten in your direction, but their approach is harried, messy - you are unexpected guests. Pollux’s pale eyes gleam beneath his painted, egg-white skullcap, as you each survey the deck before you, and he mutters to you, meeting your eye -
“I’ve seen you wrestle, Thessalian – now show me how you fare in the grind of Ares Manslaughterer!” Before you can respond, he’s leapt down below, shield high and spear-point high, advancing towards the pirates. You have no choice but to drop down alongside him!
>Okay, players – this is Nikon’s first taste of actual combat against a coordinated enemy force. Try not to embarrass yourself.
>I need ONE roll of dice+1d20+6 for Nikon’s initiative. He gets a significant bonus (+5) for dropping in unannounced.
>I'll be rolling for Pollux separately.