>>5929114>>5929325>>5929374>>5929375Isse, I shall write it in the update.
>>5929513Of course, the next post after this one will be about dealing with these pests.
And I am happy to hear that you are the descendant of a québecois, I love the québecois accent, it looks sometimes like the accent from Normandy, my region, because many of the early settlers came from western France.
>>5929536You decided to use your throne and facepalm once more, sighing before telling your oldest councilor, the one who was most versed in local intrigue.
-Tell me, Oldfossil, attacking baron's men and openly intriguing against my liege lord will look very bad on my accusations against him, isn't it ?
The old man thought, he thought for a long time before telling.
-It all depends, on one side the baron could accuse you of having forged proofs against him, on the other side these proofs were traduced from dark runes that you did not understood. And taken from Kobold Slavers that would be very hard to track. Then of course there will be factions at court, and even if he says that you attacked his barge and tried to free lady Becky he would have to explain why he had her imprisoned and why he executed lady Takable's councillors. Of course he could try to tell lies and accuse you first of consorting with kobolds, as said the wise councillor Charles Pasqua, who had the same name as you "if you are annoyed by a scandal create a scandal in the scandal and then a scandal in the scandal in the scandal until nobody understands anything". It could work of course, but since everyone wants the head of his uncle and do not cares about him, since he is only a pretext it could be even used against him, and the fact that he tried to evacuate Lady Takable to Bomburia, it could be seen as high treason on his part. So I would say that, as often, for us the situation is bad, but for those above us it is acceptable.
You then ordered him.
-At least this is some good news, by the way Oldfossil, we should pay something for the families of the dead. Now we need to think how to contact Lord Neutral since I am probably seen as a criminal in all the barony. And we have to ensure that baronial troops do not come here and burn Local to the ground, it would be a shame... And account for our losses in horses. But first, does anyone has an idea how to free Bohémond ?