Quoted By:
<span class="mu-s">Janiter:</span> "Be careful! Somebody spilled all these <span class="mu-s">LIQUID AIDS</span> all over the floor! You know how these government backed weapon labs are, always trying to weaponize aids and what not. This sort of thing happens all the time.
You guys better not come through here until I clean this all up. Because it's incredibly slippery! ...oh, and also <span class="mu-s">full of AIDS!</span> But mainly, it's very slippery.
Just give me like, 30 to 40 minutes to clean this all up, alright?~ "
<span class="mu-s">...hmmmm, I dunno you guys, I think we gonna need a roll to see how persuasive this was. I'm gonna need two anons to roll 1d6 and then we'll combine the rolls to see how well this masterful trickery worked!</span>