>>5655880It took another three days for your allies to bring you the Serpent Priestess who now glowers disapprovingly at you, during which time you’ve scarcely improved in health. In keeping with yoru religious dictates as a Knight Ascendant of the Dark God of Glorious Bloodshed, you have risen daily and practiced the blade with your remaining, mundane elven sword. You did this in spite of the pain, relenting only to downgrade to your traditional Reptilian assassin’s dagger.
Neither this, nor your leap of faith into the jaws of fortune, have gone ignored however! The Serpent Ascendant, called Sun-Swallower and Blood God, Light-of-Darkness and Shining Sovereign from Beyond the Stars, has blessed you as a <DARK PROPHET III>! In accordance with your dedication to his ways, you have been blessed with…
>Dragon’s Wings, GreaterYou can now manifest powerful, feathered wings which can allow you to fly great distances, at great speeds, in any form, and which can offer armoured defence upon the ground, truly making you master of the skies for as long as you wish and making up for your lost shoggoth-armour somewhat
>Aura of the Swallowed SunYou and your allies with whom you pray can glow with an eerie echo of a long-dead light, not merely demoralizing and blistering foes but quite literally burning them with a touch; you all gain temporary resistance or immunity to holy magic, hellfire, and even drgaonfire while this remains in effect
>Voice of the MetatronYou can issue commands akin to a <Power Word>, once per day; this can force someone (or several someones of lesser will) to kneel, flee, drop their weapon, stand still; with greater difficulty, you can force someone to submit, or even to kill themselves or another; in addition, the difficulty of rolls to command and persuade the faithful, or to debate those of other faiths, are decreased
>Sword of the SaviorYou can summon, for a short time, an astral sword from beyond the veil which once belonged to a son of the Sun-Eater, and which ignores material armour and obstacles and scythes through virtually anything with all the force of a ray of scorching light
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