Okay, that took a bit longer than I expected, but we are back!
>>5533035“Okay, let’s try the same song, but give it a more… electronic remix.” you comment, grinning at Pantea. Sharing a brief hint at it to her in your mind, the sampler is set, and Izzy is ready. You start to get a better idea on how this’ll work. It’s… almost like a combo attack? Syncing your energy with Izzy’s, with her providing the Magic to turn these tunes into something more substantial.
In essence, it’s a combo technique. It doesn’t take a lot to actually get going, but it does need proper focus. So, let’s focus! Get that just right, and…
https://youtu.be/lOeE06FUZL4The song does seem to have a similar effect, which makes a bit of sense. It’s about the same at the base, just remixed. Though it does seem to sort of… “spread out” more rather than focus on a single person. In any case, Pantea takes to it fairly well.
“Okay, that worked. What else?” Izzy questions.
“How about… something more upbeat, joyful. How about…”
https://youtu.be/OtbtiKdXBUkYou try one that fits Pantea better, and she does appreciate it. But more importantly, it has a very, very slight recovery effect. It won’t be replacing lost limbs or anything, but the upbeat combination of music and Magic might be good for easing off some damage taken. This is perfect! It might be a combo attack, but it’s at the very least comparable to Chuu Lee’s healing and Wind Magic combo. Might even be able to pump it up more with the right amount of practice.
Okay, next up, maybe something more foreboding, like facing down a big, powerful game boss. Izzy conjures up a large test dummy shaped like… Hirudegarn? Well, that works! So how to go about this one? …Aha! Maybe something with a bit more metal to it, to drive home the threat!
https://youtu.be/m0jLklJ4WVkThat one looks like it’s given a bit of a boost to her defenses. There’s a slightly easier time moving around imagined attacks, and even taking an imagined hit. Nice! You’re on a roll here!