>>5878732While many Kefis see the history of Gebeb-Kefi as but a footnote to the glory of Ta-Kefi, the royal family of Per-Desher has upheld the importance of respecting our past, and as Pharaoh Nykhet Per-Desher crests the dune, he beholds the glory left behind. The Kefi-Gebebs are not emaciated savages, but instead each one bigger than the Kefi-Tas. The late Pharaoh was right about us losing something, but it is also clear we are superior in culture. So, with the facts laid out before him, the Pharaoh decides they will serve Ta-Kefi, and become one with us.
>Action 1: The Emergence of Meri Depet-Wadj. A Miew swordlady and sailor, with a trusty crew at her beck and call.While the Penew delve into mystic arts and Kefi seek ancient wisdom, the Miew sees the rise of a peculiar character. Following the cultural shift of Kefi rule, adventure became much more popular among nobles, as a way to make it big in Kefi society. Enter Meri Depet-Wadj, a noble lady well versed in the way of the sword. Serving onboard a ship for 4 years she made friends with the crew, and they made plans for a heist, to rob the vaults of Per-Qenit, a Kefi family that hoards artifacts, among them a Miew Xiphos, hailing from before Ta-Miew, when they were conquering Ta-Penew. This is therefore a priceless cultural item, yet the Kefi have broken a fair few of the Miew artifacts with their brutish treatment of them. But these vaults were inscribed with magical symbols, so Meri would have to fight enemies in both this realm and the shadow realm, yet despite this, word spread of Meri showing off the Miew Xiphos for all to see, but also drawing the ire of the Per-Qenit family.
>Action 2: The Meeting of Kefi-Ta and Kefi-Gebeb. Learn the language of the Kefi-Gebebs, so we may try to enlist them.Observing the Kefis of the desert, the Kefi-Gebebs, Pharaoh Nykhet Per-Desher has the army setup a tent camp, and with how many soldiers are in the army, the tent camp grows massive. From there, a lieutenant with a cohort is sent to each of the tribes in the area, to establish communications. Accompanying each lieutenant are a number of language scholars, hoping to get to understand their language, surely it can't be too distant from the Kefi-Ta language, indeed a number of the scholars would be learned in ceremonial versions of the language, which hopefully has undergone minimal change over time. The main body of the army will be managing the supply train back to Ta-Kefi, as even if we had enough desert hunters, this land simply cannot sustain such a large army by itself, so we will be dependent on supply from home if dealings here aren't swift.